Friday, June 19, 2009

Oblivion + Update

Arena Fights and Mage's Guild for Oblivion are updated. I should have had those up there a month ago but for whatever reason I didn't get around to it.

So, inFamous is coming up next, and Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine. Milo Productions is letting me add them.

As an overall update: My laptop, which I use to record and update my website, had endless problems with the Capture Card's USB drivers, the shortcuts not working, the wireless having issues, and the installer failing. After weeks of searching the internet I finally got it fixed, the ironic part was it all took less than 5 minutes...

World at War is up next, and before I start Mass Effect I might record a playthrough of Castle Crashers on the Normal difficulty, starting from a level 1 character.